7500 GP? 7500 GP?!?
The cashier is in an uproar! He can't believe that you even haggled on the price to begin with, let alone ask for 150% the asking price. An assortment of profane language escapes his lips, calling you all manner of terrible things. He even went so far as to call you a flying potato. Man, that's low.
If his face could show color it would be a dark red right about now.
The cashier is in an uproar! He can't believe that you even haggled on the price to begin with, let alone ask for 150% the asking price. An assortment of profane language escapes his lips, calling you all manner of terrible things. He even went so far as to call you a flying potato. Man, that's low.
If his face could show color it would be a dark red right about now.
Purchase a LOVE POTION
Buy a health potion or two and then go to the inn.
ask if he has a love potion, that seems like it could come in handy.
Aww, made him angry. :)
Ask him for quote on 10 health potions.
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